Paul Jordan

Faculty of Theology

Paul’s Bio

Paul Jordan is a full time Teaching Pastor at Community Bible Church and a part time professor of Computer Science. Paul’s passion includes teaching God’s word whether from the pulpit or the classroom and watching God transform people. He is the founder and a teacher of Community Bible Institute, where faculty train adults in hermeneutics, apologetics, Biblical studies, Christian theology, and worldview issues. He also enjoys leading tours in Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Rome. Paul and his wife, Vicki, have two grown children and live in Easley, South Carolina.

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Paul’s Lectures

  • How To Study The Wiseman’s Book

    Skeptics have commented that the Bible cannot tell us anything of any real value because every person interprets it differently.The reason why there may be different interpretations is because interpreters do not always follow a proven sensible method, which can lead to inaccurate, inconsistent, illogical and naive interpretations.This three part lecture series involves an in-depth look into studying God’s love letter to mankind. This study will help direct one to a personal investigation into the heart of God through the use of three, easy to follow tools. (minimum three hours)

  • Reliability of Scripture

    Maybe the canon should have been closed after the first five books were written. What about after the Old Testament was finished? The New Testament? Should the Apocrypha be added? Is the Bible really the Word of God, or could it be that there are other sacred writings that we should follow? This talk will reinforce why we don’t have a blind faith. The Scripture is the reliable, trustworthy, completed Word of God.

  • Cultivating Our Relationship with Christ

    Taken directly from Psalm 32, this presentation reminds us of the unique relationship we have with Christ and how to follow Him on a daily basis to gain security and confidence in whatever we may face.We don’t have to, but we get to cultivate our relationship with Christ. Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship.

  • Earn This

    How do we earn salvation? How do we keep it once earned? What must I do for God to be proud of me and approve of my works? What do I do about the shame and guilt I feel, even as a believer? This talk includes a hermeneutical study of Romans 8:31-39 and encourages followers of Christ in the total propitiation process.

  • How To Remove a Foundation With a Squirt Gun

    We, as Christians, are sometimes intimidated by or even afraid to talk with many Atheists, New-Agers and Evolutionists. Too often, we fear we won’t have answers to their tough questions. Be encouraged by learning five killer questions that will help to destroy the secular foundation that is encasing the minds of friends, relatives and others without destroying people.

  • Listening for Beliefs

    It is one thing to have good tools in the tool belt, such as Killer Questions that help break down a secular or religious person’s errant worldview, but are we listening to the given answers ? Really listening? This “Part II” session of the Squirt Gun talk will help students learn the art of listening to what is being said by someone with a worldview that is different from their own, and hear some common themes in his or her responses.

  • English Bible Translations (and which are best)

    After a brief background of ancient manuscript collections, the discussion will move to two different translation strategies that have long term repercussions on evangelism and personal growth.

  • And God Created

    In a world where the only accepted belief system of origins is evolution, this class will look at the foundational defense for biblical creationism.

  • Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

    The culture says that homosexuality and transgenderism is not only a norm but to be supported by all, and the Bible speaks to these ideas in six passages from both the Old and New Testaments.