Mike Tiland

Director of Operations

Camp Director

Faculty of Theology

Mike’s Bio

Mike has been a part of the Worldview Academy team since 2006 and has served in a variety of capacities over the years. Currently, Mike serves as the Director of Operations, Camp Director, and Faculty with Worldview Academy. Mike holds a Masters of Divinity degree in Christian Ministry from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has a passion for the church and helping to train the next generation of leaders that will live faithfully to the gospel in all areas of life. Mike has taught youth and adults across the country at camps, retreats, conferences, and leadership seminars. He and his wife Angela live in central Texas with their three children.

Find out more about Conferences and how to invite Mike to speak at your church or event!

Mike’s Lectures

  • Building Blocks

    Understanding our own worldview and the way that impacts how we live in the world is incredibly important. What is a Biblical worldview? What difference does it make if we live according to a Biblical worldview or the version of the Bible that makes us more comfortable? In this session we examine fundamental worldview principles and examine distinctives between a Biblical worldview and a variety of other worldviews.

  • Legacy

    We choose every day whether we seek to build our own kingdoms or the kingdom of the Lord. The decisions we make each and every day shape and build the legacy that we will ultimately leave behind when we die. How do we leave a legacy for Jesus Christ? In this session we will examine practical ways we make disciples and faithfully steward the calling to make disciples of all nations in an effort that our lives are spent for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Tech Talk

    Technology is a hot topic these days and how we navigate the use of that technology as Christ-followers can be a significant challenge for individuals and families. In this session we peel back the HD screens and look at what the root issues are that we need to deal with to be able to live faithfully in a world run by technological advances. The stakes are incredibly high, but technology does not have to run our lives and our families. The hope is found in the gospel and in our identity in our God, our creator.

  • Navigating Worldviews

    As parents, the challenges facing our families are immense. We want to live faithfully but also equip our children to withstand the onslaught of false ideologies levied at them each and every day. In this session, we explore some tools to help equip our children with a Biblical worldview. We start with building a solid Biblical foundation and also discuss practical tools that are helpful in cultivating the faith of our children.

  • Leadership Lies

    This session explores principles that guide the way we seek to influence and lead those around us that run contrary to the Biblical teaching of the Scriptures. We seek to better understand the lies that have begun to form and shape our understanding of ourselves and the world in which we live. Then we further examine how the Scriptures would form and shape us that we would rightly exercise the influence God has granted to us.

  • Anchored

    As leader and as a Christ-Follower, how do we remain anchored to the gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of suffering and persecution? It requires an intentional and integrated approach to life. In this session we will look at principles and disciplines that help us lead more effectively for Christ and endure the suffering and hardship certain to cross our paths.

  • The Body

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. The apostle Paul goes so far as to say that without the resurrection “we are of all men most to be pitied.” If the resurrection is critical to the faith of a Christ-Follower, what evidence is there to suggest it actually happened? In this session we will look at clear and compelling evidence for the resurrection and explore what difference that ought to make in our lives.

  • What is this Bible?

    All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. We live in a world that seeks to redefine the Scriptures, picking and choosing aspects of God's word that coincide with our ideas and pursuits. In this session we will examine how we ought to read the pages of Scripture. Should the book of Genesis be read in the same way that the book of Psalms should be? What about the gospels? In this session we will take a deeper dive into what the Bible is and what difference it makes.

  • War on the Word

    We live in a world that is challenging Christ-followers in many ways as culture is constantly shifting, changing, and redefining language. Often when faced with what we perceive to be new challenges, we seek for new or fresh answers that might speak to the cultural moment we face, not realizing that though we face challenges, these challenges are not new. The pages of Scripture are filled with challenges and struggles that will help inform us how to live faithfully and how to engage with a world that needs the hope and truth that the gospel of Jesus Christ offers.

  • Servant Leadership

    Leadership is a word that is thrown out in casual ways in our culture. We hear that everyone is a leader but we don’t understand what true leadership is. The Scriptures have much to say on the topic of leadership, primarily that we ought to lead as servants first and foremost. This session explores principles for servant leadership and the implications of those principles.

  • Reliability of Scripture

    There are many questions about the Bible. Why should we trust the Bible? How do we even know who wrote the Bible and when it was written? Why aren’t the books from the Apocrypha part of the Bible? Should they be? In this session we will examine answers to those questions and more. Standing on the reliability of the Scripture equips and empowers the Christ-follower to live confidently in a genuine pursuit of the Lord and provides clarity to those that might be seeking for the life the gospel offers.