Micah Gibson

Faculty of Theology

Micah’s Bio

Micah Gibson has been involved with Worldview Academy since 2005 as a student, Discipleship Staff member, and member of the Faculty of Theology. He graduated from Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee with a bachelor's of arts in history, and has taught at middle school and high school levels in classical schools. Micah joined the United States Marine Corps Reserve in 2014 and currently serves as faculty at the Worldview Bridge Year program in Cañon City, Colorado. Micah is married to his beautiful wife Rebekah and has one son, David and one daughter, Ruth.

Find out more about Conferences and how to invite Micah to speak at your church or event!

Micah’s Lectures

  • Introduction to Worldviews

    What and how we think about the world matters. But how does one discern what is true in a multitude of possible viewpoints? Christianity makes claims that touch every part of reality, and Christians are called to be like Christ in our thoughts as well as our actions. This lecture serves as an introduction to thinking in terms of worldviews and to the key elements that make Christianity unique.

  • Navigating Leadership

    Leading others is hard. It’s even more difficult without experience or as a youth, yet God uses and calls the weak, the ill-prepared, and the young to designs beyond their comfort zones for His sake. This lecture provides helpful practices and behaviors for students to lean on while serving others as a leader.

  • In the Beginning

    How should Christians think about origins and creation? It's a question that is sure to draw a wide range of responses, but are all these options equally viable? This lecture aims to equip the students with basic tools to analyze critical passages dealing with the topic of creation to help them arrive at a biblical coherent and consistent view of God's creative work.

  • Reliability of Scripture

    The Christian claims that the Bible is God’s revelation to mankind, yet how can one be confident that the words and message are true? How can any book support the monumental claims to truth, exclusivity, and authority made by the Bible? This lecture explores the evidence in support of Biblical inherency and veracity, and seeks to answer many of the attacks and criticisms leveled against God’s Word.

  • The Mind of Christ

    One of our calls as Christians is to think and live in accord with what Scripture calls the “mind of Christ.” How does changing my thinking influence the way that I live and behave in this world, and how does it impact my interactions with those who do not know Christ? This lecture explores why witnessing and apologetics can be so difficult, and seeks to provide students with conversational tools to better share their faith.

  • Night At The Movies

    The stories we tell are built on our worldviews. Our culture today uses movies to tell stories and by extension teach ideas. Christians need to think critically about every area of life, even their entertainment, to pursue Christ-likeness. This lecture is meant to equip students with the tools and awareness to understand the story-telling devices of movies and how they use these to build arguments.

  • You're Not the Boss of Me

    Authority is at times a complicated idea. To whom should I obey and under what circumstances and why? What if the government tells me I must obey the law that is in opposition to God's word? This lecture is concerned with addressing these questions and more in an examination of authority and jurisdiction through the lens of scripture.

  • Integrity's Enemies

    We live in a world that is constantly bombarding the believer with falsehoods and temptations to draw us away from what God has declared good, true, and beautiful. Yet, not all of these threats are as readily apparent as others. This lecture identifies two threats to the Christians integrity that they may not have considered, and offers encouragement toward faithfulness in a culture that is taking no prisoners.