Jack Schutt

Director of Strategic Partnerships

Jack’s Bio

Jack grew up in Mount Pleasant, Texas in a Christian home. By the grace of God, he came to trust in Christ at a young age through the faithful witness of his parents. In 2020, he graduated from Texas A&M University and married his wife, Olivia. After graduation, they continued to call College Station home while he served on staff at Breakaway Ministries, a para-church college ministry on A&M’s campus. Worldview Academy has played a significant role in Jack’s own discipleship, as he attended camp as a student and served as a staff member and staff director throughout his college years. Jack hopes to advance the work of Worldview by partnering with likeminded churches, ministries, and schools in the mission of equipping students to think and live in accord with a biblical worldview. In addition to his work at Worldview, Jack is on staff at his local church and is currently pursuing a Masters of Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary.