Dell Cook

Board President

Faculty of Theology

Dell’s Bio

Dell Cook holds two masters degrees (M.Div and ThM) in theology. He has served in several camp ministries around the nation as well as Director of Student Ministries in North Carolina and Florida. He is currently the Headmaster of Sandhills Classical Christian School (SCCS) in Pinehurst, NC. Before taking that position, Dell served as Headmaster at Cary Christian School in Cary, NC where he also taught Theology, Apologetics, Church History, Old & New Testament as well and coached varsity football. Dell, his wife Ginny, and their three children live in North Carolina.

Find out more about Conferences and how to invite Dell to speak at your church or event!

Dell’s Lectures

  • The Excellent Life

    What so “good” about the Good News? Manifesting a biblical worldview leads toward a life that reflects God’s Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. The result is an alluring and captivating “fleshing out” of the Gospel. This talk examines the principles of an Excellent Life, as seen in 1 Peter.

  • The Nature of God and Man

    Regardless of who we are or where we come from, we humans have given some thought toward some big questions about, well, who we are and where we come from. Our thoughts and conclusions to these questions have very real and deep implications for how we live and move and have our being. In this lecture, Dell will look at the common ways that people think about reality, meaning, purpose, and identity and the implications of these ideas.

  • Christian Ethics

    As a man thinks, so he acts. This topic examines the principles of living well in the midst of a world that doesn’t.

  • The Anatomy of Unbelief

    What do all unbelievers have in common? Why do people not believe? This study of Roman 1 sheds some light on the heart of unbelief.

  • The Next Name in the Toledoth

    Ever thought about how your great-great-great-grandchildren are going to remember you? This topic looks at how our thinking right now affects generations to come.

  • Me and My Shadow

    A great deal of discussion, debate, and digital pontification has developed of late around the ideas of human nature, personhood, gender, and relationship, which all tie into some fundamental concepts of identity. In this lecture, Dell will trace the development of a number of these ideas and compare them to Scripture’s declaration of human identity and purpose.

  • Me and My Calling

    Evaluating questions of identity–who we are and where we come from–invariably leads to the question of what we are here for, otherwise formed as that pesky question: “what is the will of God for my life?” In this lecture, Dell will examine the concept of vocation (calling) and what that means in the life of humans as they reside upon this rock for the very limited number of laps around the sun that they are given.

  • The Problem of Pain

    If God is all-powerful and all-good, why is there so much pain, suffering and evil in the world? This is one of the most common and pressing questions that Christian face. This lecture addresses some of the possible answers, and pitfalls, to this issue.

  • Triune Life

    God does what He does because He is who He is. If the Christian declaration that one God exists in three persons is true, then this means something about how we think and live. In this lecture, Dell examines how a biblical worldview is ultimately a Trinitarian worldview that makes sense of...well...everything!

  • The Mystery of Godliness

    What difference does worship make in how we think and live. Plenty, according to Dell Cook in this lecture. Dell examines the relationship and influence that Sunday has on Monday through Saturday.

  • Christian Aesthetics

    Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Is their an objective standard of beauty? Does God care? These are some of the questions that we address as we consider a biblical approach to the arts.