Bill Jack


Board Member

Faculty of Theology

Bill’s Bio

Bill Jack is a co-founder of Worldview Academy and an educator with ten years experience in secular schools and 14 years with The Caleb Campaign, a creationist youth ministry. Bill has spoken to thousands of students and parents around the nation, and he has appeared on various radio, podcast, and television programs. Bill’s passion is to raise up a generation who have the vision to reach their culture with the gospel, who have the valor to engage that culture with the truth, and who rely on the virtue of the Word of God. Bill, a widower, is the father of three grown children and two grandchildren. He lives in Castle Rock, CO.

Find out more about Conferences and how to invite Bill to speak at your church or event!

Bill’s Lectures

  • Torn Between Two Worldviews

    Train your students to discern world views and to understand their impact on every aspect of our culture. We will analyze the impact of world views on our culture through interviews with those who hold opposing world views. Great opportunity to learn practical tools to learn how to reach non-Christians and to confront the culture with the Truth.

  • The Four Duties of A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ (II Timothy 2:1-3)

    “Have fun with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus--____!” It is very difficult to think and live biblically. The Wiseman calls Christians to exhibit wisdom in their deeds. Christians must understand and exercise four essential duties in order to please the One Who enlisted them as soldiers.

  • The Ways of the Wizards vs. The Ways of the Wiseman (Colossians 2:8)

    The wizards are everywhere in our culture today. They promise that if we follow their yellow brick road we can have it all—a brain, a heart and courage. The wizards even promise us a way home. However—“There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12) These wizards include evolutionists, new agers, atheists and sincere followers of false religions. The wiseman, on the other hand, knows the right path to follow and to whom he should listen. Christians are to learn how to walk as wise men, “:making the most of our time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15) Come join us as we take a walk on the “wise” side. You will learn how to distinguish between the ways of the wizards and the way of the wiseman. You will learn how to destroy secular arguments “raised up against the knowledge of God” and learn how to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

  • Simple Tools for Brain Surgery (II Corinthians 10:5)

    Non-Christians seem to have the advantage in our culture. We, as Christians, are sometimes intimidated by or even afraid to talk with many atheists, new-agers, evolutionists and other Wizards. Too often, we fear we won’t have answers to their tough questions. Be encouraged. Learn four killer questions that will help to destroy the Wizards’ secular thinking that is encasing the minds of friends, relatives and others. Learn to destroy the Wizards’s sloppy, secular arguments without destroying the person.

  • Creation-Evolution - What’s the big deal? I just want to tell people about Jesus (Colossians 2:8)

    “Who cares whether it was 6 days or 6 million years!?!?!? Isn’t this discussion unnecessarily divisive to the Christian community? Are we not losing credibility with the scientific community and hurting the cause of Christ among non-Christians by insisting on a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-3?” Learn to respond biblically to such charges so that “no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception.” Old-earthers, progressive creationists and other Wizards come try and stump the wild-eyed, fanatical, six-day creationist.

  • Follow Christ? It’s just a ‘FAD!’ Will it Pass the Test of Time? (II Timothy 1:7)

    Christian parents and teachers want their children and their students to love God. They commit to training their children to love God with all! Exactly how does that translate into our culture? What is a FAD? Learn the three characteristics Christians must have and must instill in teens if we want Christianity to be a FAD for the next generation. The Wizard’s promises become the illusion of a fad, a passing fancy; The Wiseman’s promise is the FAD that will bless the next generation.

  • “What Were They Thinking? - What are You Thinking?”

    Many Christians have never learned how to share their faith effectively with non-Christians in a short conversation. This session will give the students and parents practical tools with which they can confidently engage others in a conversation that leads them to a knowledge of Christ.

  • Lunchtime Practicum

    During lunch students and adults will take what they have learned to the streets. In teams of three students and adults will engage people in a park area or on downtown sidewalks in conversation in order to share Christ with them. A great opportunity for parents to model evangelism and mentor their children. (It would be great to have some of the students share their witnessing experiences during one of the main sessions for the parents to hear. I have done this at many conferences and the parents pop their buttons when they see their children putting into practice what they have taught them.)

  • WHATEVER! (Deuteronomy 12:32)

    “Whatever is the meaning of life?” “Whatever happens when one dies?” “Whatever is your highest value?”--questions that demand more than a “Whatever!” answer. The “Whatever!” answer of Secular thinking dampens and even squelches serious thought and attempts at engaged conversation in our culture. The “Whatever!” of Secularism even invades the church. Rather than be discouraged, take heart in God’s command in Deuteronomy 12:32.

  • Seven Habits of Highly Suppressive People (Romans 1:21-23)

    Why do people reject the reliability of the Bible? It is not the common objections that people give. Rather it is because they “suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” (Romans 1:18) Christians should be able to answer those objections. Christians should, also, be able to recognize the seven habits that people develop in suppressing the truth which are listed in Romans 1:21-23. Come see these seven habits come to life through interviews with non-Christians on a college campus. Learn how you, too, can give a defense of your faith in gentleness and reverence. (I Peter 3:15)

  • Taking What is Common to the Culture and Turning it into a Pulpit (Acts 17:22)

    From peach baskets to pitching mounds, from movies to museums, from...well, come discover what tools and opportunities you might be overlooking to use in reaching this culture. Practical strategies and insights!

  • “Nice CFC’s” Destroy Christian Ozone Layer: Help Stop the Pollution!

    “Help! I can’t breathe!” Too often, Christian parents smother their children’s zeal to “destroy speculations raised up against the knowledge of God” with three little words. If you want to raise up children who are not “taken captive” by secular thought in the church, if you want to raise up warriors for Jesus, if you want to learn the three little words Christians should NEVER use, take a deep breath and step into this workshop based on II Corinthians 10:5.

  • Counterfeit Reality

    The biggest and most enduring Counterfeit Reality of all time is most cleverly foisted upon people through film. See how moviemakers convey a secular worldview to the the blink of an eye! Keep in mind Colossians 2:8, and keep focused on Bill Jack’s media examples and use of technological illusions. Otherwise, you may lose sight of True Reality.

  • Artificial Authority: (Matthew 23)

    What can evangelical Christians, evolutionists and atheists have in common? The Pharisees wanted people to observe the law, but they forgot the purpose of the law and ended up honoring God with their lips but having hearts far away from Him. Learn how to recognize the masquerade of artificial authority when it parades in culture and even marches into church.

  • The Biblical Basis for True Authority: (Romans 13) (Two-part lecture, 2 hours in length)

    What is a Christian to do when evil seems to be winning? What is the biblical response—especially when one is a student in secular a institution—when a person in position of authority begins to further evil and avenge good? How does one maintain respect for the position of authority without obeying evil commands? This is an intense two-hour seminar for youth and adults—homeschoolers and public school students—parents and teachers.

  • You Gotta Have Heart (Jeremiah 17:9)

    The secular Wizards offer the appearance of compassion. In reality it is merely smoke and mirrors. Meet some of these Wizards who claim love is a many splendored thing that begins with self-love. These Wizards proclaim selfishness is the proper attitude. In contrast, come, learn the Way of the Wiseman.

  • The Marks of the Pseudo-Christian Cults

    Jesus mentioned wheat and tares looking similar even up to the point of harvest time. How can one distinguish a pseudo-Christian cult from biblical Christianity? What commonalities do the pseudo-Christian cults—specifically Latter Day Saints and Jehovah Witnesses have in common? Better yet, how should a Christian respond when the pseudo-Christian cults knock on his door?

  • Simple Tools for Brain Surgery Part 2: Demolishing Ignorance and Apathy

    “Would you agree the Bible teaches...that men are superior to women...that God helps those who help themselves...that Jesus’ main message was to love one another...?” Listen and watch in amazement at the responses from college students and people on the streets give when Bill Jack asks about their knowledge of Scripture. See how people love to display their ignorance. Learn how conversationally to destroy “arguments raised up against the knowledge of God.”—II Corinthians 10:5

  • Which Bias is the Best Bias to be Biased By? (II Corinthians 10:5)

    Come meet the most dangerous professor your students will sit under in college. Everyone has a preference, a bias, when it comes to matters of style, cuisine or automobiles. However, when it comes to the big issues of life, such as, “Where did life originate?” our mental leaning, our bias, is often shaped by the current cultural thinking or a favorite professor. You wouldn’t trust just anyone to recommend a stock, car or even a pizza joint, so why accept the biased opinion of a teacher, politician or self-proclaimed expert when it comes to the big questions? Come discover the bias that infects much of academia when it comes to the question of origins, and, most importantly which bias is the best bias to be biased by?

  • What Happens When You Die? (Hebrews 9:27)

    “What if...?” Few people have taken the time to consider their answers, and most people do not anticipate being asked such a question. Both disarming and challenging, “What happens when you die?” is a great spiritual conversation starter. Many assume the possibilities are numerous or even infinite. Yet, there really are only FOUR serious answers. Discover how to respond to whatever answer one receives by watching spontaneous, on-the-street interviews. Learn how to ask thought-provoking follow-up questions. Great session for students and adults.

  • WWJD!??!?!!?

    Who cares what Jesus would drive? Christian environmentalists are asking the question in order to “drive” the church to proclaim a greener Gospel. Have Christians missed the importance of caring for the earth by focusing for so long on other social issues such as abortion, euthanasia, Marxism, terrorism, gambling and premarital sex? Can we not sit in the same pew with environmentalists’ groups without compromising Truth and Grace? How should we, as Christians, address the environment without worshipping Mother Earth?

  • Worldview Practicum

    An opportunity to defend your faith by dialoging with a special guest who holds an opposing worldview - topic to be determined by guest.

  • Tearing Up Tracks Leading to Destruction

    The Nazis used language to redefine Jews out of the human race. Once that was accomplished, atrocities and death camps followed. Language is important for it lays the tracks that are the ideas that carry the consequences—boxcars filled with people’s lives. Christians are on a search and destroy mission; we are destroying ideas but not people. Learn 4 Killer Questions that will empower you to derail faulty thinking and challenge others to think God’s thoughts after Him.

  • Get a Grip!

    What do the current leaders/celebrities in culture say is the most important advice they can give? What advice would you give someone? Learn the five key necessary ideas you need in order to have a fulfilled, well-rounded life. Come, get a grip!

  • Where’s Waldo?

    Perched high on the sides of the Alps in northern Italy a small band of believers faced extinction. This remnant of committed Christians sprang from a group of twelfth century Christian laymen in southern France and eventually sent rippling effects around the world. What made this small band such a force and a threat to the established church? What can modern-day Christians learn from them?

  • Pass the Salt, Please

    It is the only rock we eat, and yet is essential to life. What makes salt the spice of life? How does salt shake out in the Christian’s experience? Discover how such a common expression such as, “Pass the salt, please,” can transform the Christian’s outlook on the world around him.

  • Fortitudine Vincimus (By Endurance We Conquer)

    At the conclusion of the 19th century Britain had dominated the exploration of the world. One last plum remained—the Antarctic. Ernest Shackleton led an expedition to cross the continent itself. He failed—dramatically and gloriously. Christians can learn from his nearly legendary style and unmatched leadership skills when faced with seemingly overwhelming challenges to reaching the world for Christ.

  • What is Hidden? (Matthew 5:14-16)

    What is hidden can define one’s character, past and future. Learn how examples from past significant historical events transformed the lives of ordinary people who then transformed the culture in which they lived, worked and played.

  • The Resolute

    The search for British Arctic explorer Sir John Franklin and his missing crew of 128 men resulted in one of the more unique set of stories in history. Although men were lost and ships were abandoned, a third war between the U.S. and England was averted and the timbers of a ghost ship serve now as a reminder that Christians are to remain resolute in their mission. I Corinthians 15:58